Case International and federal  Government of Somalia work together to develop public goods that promote sustainable livelihoods and build resilience in vulnerable communities. These initiatives support global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially those related to ending hunger and poverty, promoting decent work and economic growth, and supporting responsible consumption and production practices.


Program Beneficiaries

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Targeted beneficiaries are women

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Climate change program implemented

Data Decision Making

Case International recognizes the crucial role that information and data play in the fight against climate change and the need to protect vulnerable communities. To this end, Case International partners with other actors to provide services that protect lives and livelihoods, provide people with the information they need to thrive, and enhance evidence-based decision-making

“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and we cannot ignore its impact on vulnerable communities in Somalia. Through our climate change program, we are committed to working with local partners and stakeholders to build resilience, adapt to changing weather patterns, and protect the environment for future generations..”

Mohamed Ali-Director,Case International


At Case International, we are committed to working collaboratively with our partners to achieve these objectives and promote a sustainable, climate-resilient future for all.